Unit 1 – Foundations of Geometry

Pearson Envision (EHS and Chisholm)

1-1: Measuring Segments and Angles

Measuring Segments and Angles 

Measuring Segments 

Segment Addition Postulate 

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

1.3: Segments and Their Measure

Segments and Their Measure 

Segment Addition Postulate 

Finding Distance 

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

1.3: Segments and Their Measure

Segments and Their Measure 

Segment Addition Postulate 

Finding Distance 

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

1-3: Measuring Segments

Measuring Segments 

Measuring Length Using a Ruler 

Segment Addition Postulate 

Using the Midpoint 

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

1-2: Linear Measure

Linear Measure 

Measuring Length Using a Ruler 

Segment Addition Postulate 

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

2-7: Proving Segment Relationships

2-7: Proving Segment Relationships 

Segment Addition Postulate 

Proving Segment Relationships 

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

1.1: Segment Lengths and Midpoints

Segment Lengths and Midpoints 

Construction: Copy a Segment 

Finding Distance 

Find a Midpoint 

Construction: Construct a Perpendicular Bisector 


Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron, Covington Douglas, and Waukomis)

1.2: Measuring and Constructing Segments

Measuring Length Using a Ruler 

Construction: Copy a Segment 

Segments and Congruence 

Segment Addition Postulate 

Pearson Envision (EHS and Chisholm)

1-1: Measuring Segments and Angles

Measuring Segments and Angles 

Using a Protractor to Measure Angles 

Angle Addition Postulate 

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron, Covington Douglas, and Waukomis)

1.5: Measuring and Constructing Angles, 1.6: Describing Pairs of Angles, 2.5: Proving Statements about Segments and Angles

1.5: Measuring and Constructing Angles 

Measuring and Constructing Angles 

Measure and Classify Angles 

Construction: Copy an Angle 

Angle Addition Postulate 

Construction: Angle Bisector 


1.6: Describing Pairs of Angles 

Angle Pair Relationships 

Angle Addition Postulate 

Use Algebra to Find an Angle Measure 


2.5: Proving Statements about Segments and Angles

Proving Statements about Segments and Angles 

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

1.2: Angle Measures and Angle Bisectors

Angle Measures and Angle Bisectors

Construction: Copy an Angle

Measure and Classify Angles

Construction: Construct an Angle Bisector

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

1-4: Measuring Angles

1-4: Measuring Angles
Measuring Angles

Measure and Classify Angles

Angle Addition Postulate

1-5: Exploring Angle Pairs
Exploring Angle Pairs

Linear Pair Postulate

Finding Angle Measure Using an Angle Bisector

1-5: Exploring Angle Pairs

Exploring Angle Pairs

Linear Pair Postulate

Finding Angle Measure Using an Angle Bisector

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

1-4: Angle Measure, 1-5: Angle Relationships, 2-8: Proving Angle Relationships

Angle Measure 

Measure and Classify Angles 

Construction: Copy an Angle 

Use Algebra to Find an Angle Measure 

1-5: Angle Relationships 

Angle Relationships 

Angle Pair Relationships 

2-8: Proving Angle Relationships 

Proving Angle Relationships 

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

1.4: Angles and Their Measure, 1.6: Angle Pair Relationships

1.4: Angles and Their Measure 

Angles and Their Measure 

Angle Addition Postulate 

Measure and Classify Angles 

1.6: Angle Pair Relationships 

Angle Pair Relationships 

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

1.4: Angles and Their Measure, 1.6: Angle Pair Relationships

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber) 

1.4: Angles and Their Measure 

Angles and Their Measure 

Angle Addition Postulate 

Measure and Classify Angles

1.6: Angle Pair Relationships 

Angle Pair Relationships 

Pearson Envision (EHS)

1-2: Basic Constructions

Copy a Segment

Copy an Angle

Construct a Perpendicular Bisector

Construct an Angle Bisector

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

1.2 – Measuring and Constructing Segments, 1.5 – Measuring and Constructing Angles

Measuring Length Using a Ruler

Construction: Copy a Segment

Segments and Congruence

Segment Addition Postulate

1.5 – Measuring and Constructing Angles

Measuring and Constructing Angles

Measure and Classify Angles

Construction: Copy an Angle

Angle Addition Postulate

Construction: Angle Bisector

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

6.1 Justifying Constructions

Justifying Constructions 

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

1-6: Basic Constructions

Basic Constructions

Construct Congruent Segments

Construct Congruent Angles

Construct an Angle Bisector

Construct a Perpendicular Bisector

Pearson Envision (EHS)

1-3: Midpoint and Distance

Midpoint and Distance

Find a Midpoint

Partition a Segment

Finding Distance

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

1.3: Using Midpoints and Distance Formulas

Using Midpoint and Distance Formulas

Find a Midpoint

Find the Endpoint Given an Endpoint and Midpoint

Using the Midpoint to Find the Measure of a Segment

Construction: Bisect a Segment

Finding Distance

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

1.1 - Segment Length and Midpoints

Segment Lengths and Midpoints

Construction: Copy a Segment

Finding Distance

Find a Midpoint

Construction: Construct a Perpendicular Bisector

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

1-3: Distance and Midpoints

Distance and Midpoint

Finding Distance

Find a Midpoint

Find the Endpoint Given an Endpoint and Midpoint

Using the Midpoint to Find the Measure of a Segment

Construction: Bisect a Segment

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

1.5: Segment and Angle Bisectors

Segment and Angle Bisectors

Find a Midpoint

Find the Endpoint Given an Endpoint and Midpoint

Angle Measures and Angle Bisectors

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

1.7: Midpoint and Distance in the Coordinate Plane

Midpoint and Distance in the Coordinate Plane

Find a Midpoint

Find the Endpoint Given an Endpoint and Midpoint

Finding Distance

Pearson Envision (EHS)

1-4: Inductive Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

2.2: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Making Conjectures

Conjectures and Counterexamples

Law of Detachment

Law of Syllogism

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

1.4: Reasoning and Proof

Reasoning and Proof

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Conditional Statements

Two Column Proofs

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

2-1: Inductive Reasoning and Conjecture

Inductive Reasoning and Conjecture

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

1.1: Patterns and Inductive Reasoning

Patterns and Inductive Reasoning

Making Conjectures

Conjectures and Counterexamples

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

2-1: Patterns and Inductive Reasoning

Patterns and Inductive Reasoning

Making Conjectures

Conjectures and Counterexamples

Pearson Envision (EHS)

1-5: Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

Find a Truth Value of a Conditional

Truth Value of a Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive

Biconditional Statements

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

2.1: Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

Writing If-Then Statements

Biconditional Statements

Find a Truth Value of a Conditional

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

1.4: Reasoning and Proof

Reasoning and Proof

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Conditional Statements

Two Column Proofs

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

2-3: Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

Writing If-Then Statements

Find a Truth Value of a Conditional

Truth Value of a Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

2.1: Conditional Statements, 2.2: Definitions and Biconditional Statements

2.1: Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

Writing If-Then Statements

Conjectures and Counterexamples

Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive

2.2: Definitions and Biconditional Statements

Biconditional Statements

Write a Biconditional Statement

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

2-2: Conditional Statements, 2-3: Biconditionals and Definitions

Conditional Statements

Writing If-Then Statements

Find a Truth Value of a Conditional

Biconditionals and Definitions

Biconditional Statements

Pearson Envision (EHS)

1-6: Deductive Reasoning

1-6: Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning

Law of Detachment

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

2.2: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Making Conjectures

Conjectures and Counterexamples

Law of Detachment

Law of Syllogism

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

1.4: Reasoning and Proof

Reasoning and Proof

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Conditional Statements

Two Column Proofs

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

2-4: Deductive Reasoning

2-4: Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning

Law of Detachment

Law of Syllogism

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

2.3: Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning

Proof Symbolic Notation

Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive

Law of Detachment

Law of Syllogism

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

2-4: Deductive Reasoning

2-4: Deductive Reasoning 

Deductive Reasoning

Law of Detachment

Law of Syllogism

Pearson Envision (EHS)

1-7: Writing Proofs

Two Column Proofs

Vertical Angle Theorem

Paragraph Proof

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

2.3 – Postulates and Diagrams, 2.4 Algebraic Reasoning, 2.6 – Proving Geometric Relationships,

2.3 – Postulates and Diagrams

Postulates and Diagrams

2.4 Algebraic Reasoning

Algebraic Reasoning

2.6 – Proving Geometric Relationships

Proving Geometric Relationships

Paragraph Proofs

Two Column Proofs

HMH Geometry (Kremlin and Pioneer)

1.4: Reasoning and Proof

1.4: Reasoning and Proof

Reasoning and Proof

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Conditional Statements

Two Column Proofs

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

2-2: Logic, 2-5: Postulates and Paragraph Proofs, 2-6: Algebraic Proof


Truth Value of a Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive

2-6: Algebraic Proof

Algebraic Proofs

McDougal Littell Geometry (Drummond and Garber)

2.4: Reasoning with Properties from Algebra, 2.5: Proving Statements about Segments

2.4: Reasoning with Properties from Algebra

Reasoning with Properties from Algebra

2.5: Proving Statements about Segments

Proving Statements about Segments

Paragraph Proofs

Two Column Proofs

2.6: Proving Statements about Angles

Proving Statements about Angles

Proving Angles Congruent

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

2-5: Reasoning in Algebra and Geometry, 2-6: Proving Angles Congruent

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

2-5: Reasoning in Algebra and Geometry

Reasoning in Algebra and Geometry

Using Properties of Equality and Congruence

Two Column Proofs

2-6: Proving Angles Congruent

Proving Angles Congruent

Vertical Angle Theorem

Congruent Supplements Theorem

Paragraph Proofs

Pearson Envision (EHS), McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

1-8: Indirect Proof, 5-4: Indirect Proof

Pearson Envision (EHS)

1-8: Indirect Proof

Indirect Proof

McGraw Hill Oklahoma Geometry (EHS)

5-4: Indirect Proof

Indirect Proof

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

6.5: Indirect Proof and Inequalities in One Triangle

Big Ideas MATH Geometry: (Cimarron)

6.5: Indirect Proof and Inequalities in One Triangle (repeat)

Indirect Proof and Inequalities in One Triangle

Indirect Proof

Triangle Inequality Theorem

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

5-5: Indirect Proof

Pearson Geometry Common Core (OBA)

5-5: Indirect Proof

Indirect Proof

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